
The Rathbun House

This is a 501(c)(3) organization located by Mission Hospital here in Asheville for family & caregivers of people in the hospital.

Several years ago my dad had a massive stroke, and he had to have life-saving surgery. He was in intensive care for weeks, and I was able to spend most days with him.

Most nights I slept in the chair in his room until a nurse suggested that I check out the Rathbun House.

They provided a much-needed space to sleep in a real bed without the expense of hotel room. Plus, it’s right next to the hospital, so if dad’s situation changed I could get back there in a minute or two.

Eventually dad made it through his ordeal and went home.

Ever since then I’ve appreciated the love & kindness I was shown from the folks working at the Rathbun House, and I’m happy to donate a percentage of show proceeds to keep their vision alive.

Thank you for your support & being a part of helping our community.

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan Pritchard
founder: Asheville Mind Reading Show